Are You Ready To Push

Giving birth to a “baby (Purpose, Business, Ministry…)” is a privileged, miraculous, unforgettable experience that should not be taken lightly. The moment you find out that you are pregnant, your whole world shifts. Your mind starts to think differently. You ask yourself many questions. Am I ready for this? Do I have what it takes to pull this off?  Will it hurt? Do I have the proper support? Do I tell anybody? Who do I tell? What do I do now? You start to imagine your life after the birth of your baby and all of the possible changes and effects this “baby” can have on your life. Your emotions start to run rampant, for some of us it’s excitement and anticipation and for others it’s fear, fear of the unknown or fear of all the myths and horror stories coming true in our lives. You hear stories all of the time about people who have given birth before you and all of their successes and failures, but remember everyone’s experience is different and nobody can give birth to YOUR “baby” but YOU. Their process is not your process.

Now is the time to consider filtering some things in your life. You cannot let every thought run rampant in your head causing unnecessary stress on you and your “baby”. Choose to think positive and healthy thoughts. You should consider filtering your conversations. There are people in your life that will try to fill your head with a lot of fear, negativity and animosity towards something that is supposed to be a blessing. They will try to talk you out of giving birth based on their own limitations, limited thoughts, beliefs and experiences in their lives. Again their process is not your process. It’s time to filter. You can’t accept everything in your space when you are carrying. Do you know that what you are carrying may be born small, but it has the potential to grow to be something BIG, empowering and have a GREAT and lasting impact on our world for generations to come? You have no idea what you are carrying. This time, this experience is crucial!

As you continue in your journey of preparing to give birth to something amazing, your outward appearance (the area in your life that people can see) is changing. Both you and the people around you will notice that there’s something different about you. You are growing, and you are radiant. It’s becoming harder and harder to hide productivity. It is very important to make sure that you take care of yourself both physically and mentally in this process so that you won’t find yourself in a position where you finally birth something amazing and don’t have the ability to take care of it.  

Finally, as you enter into the stage of transitioning from carrying to birthing, you have to make sure you have the proper team in place to help you to deliver properly. Please understand that everybody who was in your space when you found out that you was carrying your “baby”, will not be able to be in that delivery room when it’s time to push and that’s o.k. nothing against them or you. You just have to protect your “baby” at all cost. Who are the key people that have qualified to be in your space when it’s time to push.  Do they know how to help you to stay focused when the pain kicks in and delivery seems impossible? Are they patient with you? When the time comes to deliver can they remind you of the importance of timing and balance? There’s a time to push, a time to breath and a time to rest. Can the people that you have qualified to be in the delivery room celebrate with you? Having the right team in place can help to make a big difference in your life.

Giving birth is not often easy. It takes patience, perseverance, strength and courage to produce amazing things. Are you ready to push?

Be blessed

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